Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: March 2024

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Story schedule: April - June '24

‘Lo, ev’ryone! April starts tomorrow and I have some intentions to make for it, May, and June. These are only intentions, nothing set in stone, unfortunately. When July comes around, I’ll do the same thing, methinks…

So! Here are my plans for the next three months as far as what I’ll work on…


Starting tomorrow, I will work on finishing Human and worldbuild for my new erotic romance, When the Moon Shines Red! I am so excited about this possible novella! 😍 I’ve hyped myself up quite a bit, so I hope to get many more than just 5k words done, as is my word goal!

Human only needs a very few chapters written before it is 100% finished SO WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING SO LONG TO FINISH THEM? I wish I knew. 😵 I feel painfully inept when it comes to struggles like this. It happens all the time… 😞


Because I’ve been putting it off for almost half a year or…a little less…I plan to start God Noise, my beloved Bleach-inspired dark fantasy novel, AGAIN. I shit you not, this is like the 19th time working on it…but I took a nice long break. It should help, I hope.

I’m considering worldbuilding on something in the meantime during May as well, in case I need something to work on when my mind farts with GoNo. I’ll get back to that some other time…


Finally, in June, it is time to return to the world of Holy Earth and the Uroboros series with the prequel dark erotic romance novella, Lay No Evil! I got quite far in this the first time around. It shouldn’t be…too difficult…to finish…I hope.

The next upcoming weeks look rather exciting, creatively. I plan to take a bit of a break with uploading Human on Ream during this time and instead focus on making previews for and talking about these new works and finishing said novel. It’s gonna be some while to wait, but I truly, sincerely will keep everyone updated.

Also, I will try to keep my social media presence slightly active as things develop. I’ll have things to post, I suppose? I hope? We’ll see...

Monday, March 25, 2024

I joined Pen Pinery! | General update

With all that's going on with NaNoWriMo as well as my own life, I want to go back to blogging as I once did...

For starters, I am trying (emphasis on trying) to finish the second novel in my Human Shed Skin series of paranormal/paranormal romance stories, Human. In case anyone is interested, the story takes place five years after book one, Inhuman, and is an adult paranormal story with an m/hm (male/hermaphrodite man) pairing. Monster hunters, tentacled beings, terato...all that jazz. 😉😛😈

I plan to list where you can read both Inhuman and Human online! I'm still working on Human, so. Yeah, that's taking forever. I highly recommend following me on my Ream (a Patreon-like site for authors!). Memberships are coming...eventually...but not now. 🙁 I feel I don't have enough content—or content coming out frequently enough—to really warrant having a membership set up...

I suppose that's that as far as updatey-things!

In other news...

I suppose I won't be working on NaNoWriMo through NaNoWriMo's site anymore. I'll still do the National Novel Writing Month challenge, that I've found Pen Pinery, I'm satisfied enough to not need to rely on the NaNo site anymore. 

...Fucking shame...the whole thing...

My own life's been shitty as fuck but not the worst overall. It just feels penultimately shitty...and I feel I could, and should, be doing better. If only I could reach into myself and do it, dammit... 😥

I'm also actively trying to get my site's domain again! It is up and active, but it is under the Wixsite domain. 🙁 Hopefully not for much longer, but my budget isn't doing too well. Hasn't ben doing well for months...

Another thing. I need to figure out just what the hell I'll be doing as far as entries on my "professional" blog. I'm no professional nor do I have any advice to give. The only thing I can do are updates, I guess...?

We'll see what happens. 🤷🏾‍♂️