Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: 2021

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Paneidoverse 2022

There honestly isn't much I plan to do for the Paneidoverse in 2022. At the moment, all I can continue to do is work on the three main worlds and stories, DΓ¦rth, Reon System, and Rejisea, and The Molt Series, Inverse Sequences, and Hierarchy of Deities, respectfully. I was pumped up with PNDVS during the middle of the year when I joined Campfire but I now wonder what I was all pumped up about. πŸ˜• Nothing significant is happening. No new stories, no new developments...

...still working on stories for the umpteenth time instead of moving forward and progressing... πŸ˜’

Same old, same old.

Even the wonderful spotlight that Paneidoverse received on Campfire Learn isn't enough to spark anything. The only thing I am thinking of is making a blog separate for it but that makes little sense since...well, I already have this place and have made it that certain entries have certain themes for the entire blog. I can do the same with PNDVS...

Great. More CSS. 😣

In any case, fun as that would be, to make another blog, I think I really do have enough. Most of them aren't in use and I am digressing...

My intentions for PNDVS is to perhaps get a few more stories done this year instead of working on the same story for an entire year...or I have been for God Noise: Volume I. There're a lot of stories on the list of verses within Paneidoverse and I gotta get them moving. Especially the big ones, starting with Inverse Sequences.

Inverse Sequences

Inverse Sequences, created in 2019, has been highly neglected despite being older than both The Molt Series and Hierarchy of Deities combined. I don't understand it myself. And since it may be connected to another, new story in the 'Verse, CA(I)NE, I ought to turn my focus on it...since yesterday. 

Alongside IS, I was thinking of working on a novella, A King and His Pawn, much as I worked on The Thing is Dead and Passions of the Lune around the same time in 2019. It'll be a challenge, one I'm honestly not sure I'm ready for. So, I'll take it as it comes.

Upcoming PNDVS-related events

There's also the important fact that two PNDVS and Qarollverse-related things are happening in January and February back-to-back! I almost forgot... 😨

31 Days, 31 Stories

First, in January, there is the year's first 31 Days, 31 Stories Challenge that I may or may not participate in. Last August, I tried—no, intended to partake in it but had an essential internet meltdown so that worked about as well as you can imagine. This time, I want to maybe try to split it in half if I cannot do all 31 days. 15 days is good enough. No one is really counting anything but me...

I haven't streamed in about a week, so once I'm done figuring out all of this shit, I'll be able to put my focus back on the important task that is streaming daily to every other day. It's something that...seems to help with making acquaintances and...might be getting my name out there, even seems to be moving at the pace of growing grass...

The challenge already has its stories lined up, so I'm looking forward to that. Again, I have 31 stories but I'll probably only try to work on 15 stretched out during the month. If I can do more, good for me. If not...I tried. πŸ˜“

These one-shots will likely lead to more stories within the Paneidoverse, hence why they are rather important. Hence why they are also related to Qarollverse...

Excerpts & Teasers Month

And coming off the tails of 31D31S is Excerpts & Teasers Month!! 😱 THIS HAS NEVER TURNED OUT OKAY. EVER. I've been trying this damned thing since 2019, I shit you not, and it has never, ever turned out successful. Every year I try again's disappointing, you know? Maybe it'll turn out different this time with help from 31D31S? πŸ˜• That, and I do sorta have more people interested in my stuff than before... πŸ€”

Ah, well. I keep trying anyway... πŸ˜” I haven't anything set up for T&EM because of January. As I said, let's hope it turns out differently since I'll actually be working on content ahead of time. Whether said content itself manages to go anywhere prior to February...well... 😟

And that's that for PNDVS, I think. Stories, stories, stories, and a hopeful focus on Inverse Sequences throughout 2022. I really can't think of or imagine anything else. πŸ™‚

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Qarollverse 2022 | methods of operation

I plan to make a lot of personal "methods of operation" changes in 2022. By this, I mean how I operate under and "as" the Qarollverse. For one, I don't think I really explained what the Qarollverse is, so I am going to briefly get into that and also post this information on a page for the blog with necessary modifications.

What is the Qarollverse

Qarollverse is the name for the all-encompassing "everything" that are my personal projects and, to an extent, me as a person. You could say it is the brand behind the brand.

By "personal projects", I mean things that are created from my mind, like the Paneidoverse. In fact, right now, the only personal project that exists under the Qarollverse (that has actual content) is Paneidoverse. There used to be another project as old as Paneidoverse but it was constantly put on hiatuses to the point that it became pointless to continue. I discarded it in October 2021.

When I use Qarollverse as a username online, it means that the account is used for all things under my "brand", from my name (Mar Qaroll) to my pseudonyms One Hollows' Eve and Mareoquine. 

At least...that's the plan starting in 2022.

2022 plans for the Qarollverse

So, at the moment, my online accounts are a fucking, annoying mess. It wasn't so until around 2019. Then I just fucked up and...Well.

Let me explain.

One Hollows' Eve

I have my pseudonym One Hollows' Eve under which I used to act like a person independent from who I really am. That was done because there was a period in which I wanted to separate myself from my name due to...feeling as if I was running my name in the ground. So, OHE and Elian Hollow was my way of...starting over, I suppose. It would have worked if the damn idea didn't last less than a fucking month. πŸ™„

Now that I am writing again out of wanting to, well, be myself, OHE is entirely defunct and pointless. But I want to keep the graphics used, even if I modify them a bit...

So, to reiterate, I want to keep OHE somehow but under my name instead of this nobody person Elian Hollow. That means getting rid of at least five online accounts that I haven't gotten rid of yet and heavily revamping the remnants of the others. Fortunately, I did most of everything through Google so I can just switch everything to another account...

But yeah. This was a mistake that happened. 🀦🏾‍♂️


Mareoquine was a good idea that went out of control. Meant to be used alongside my name only when I was doing game stuff (such as GaiaOnline, Steam, etc.), it evolved to become a pseudonym I used to separate myself from controversial things as well. Because, I'mma be honest. I have a lot of shit on my mind. If you've read anything from the Blackboxx Texts, you'd know this already. That blog, for instance, is under Mareoquine's name.


I have come to realize there's no fucking point in separating my real name from...well, who I am.  It's just given me a massive headache and identity issues greater than the ones I already have, so this makes it easier on me, too, to combine everything under my name. I love the graphics I made for Mareoquine and much like OHE, I think they are worthy of reusing. I need to update it a wee bit but other than that, it is good to go as is. πŸ˜ƒ

But...if I combine my Mareoquine self with, well, my public image, what does this do for my public image overall, right?? Thing is. There is no right way to go about that without sacrificing a typical "good public image" of myself. I have to...own that if I want to keep that sort of content online connected to me. In some ways, I've already dealt with this, but not nearly to the extent that I'm anticipating in the future. The realistic amount is...unholy...

So, the method of operation I am going with needs to be worked on, as you can see. I've to make brand new logos based on my old ones, for starters. Then, I need to put together a format of what content will be worked on under which names.

Speaking of which.

I've considered having my domain redirect to my domain instead of what it is now. It's a consideration, nothing truly set in stone.

A lot sits on 2022's shoulders...

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Returning to GaiaOnline in 2022

As I've returned to the social sphere from my three-month hiatus, I've rekindled my 14-year-old—yes, fourteen years old—GaiaOnline account. I have learned some CSS since the last time I was on Gaia, so I managed to make my page match the rest of my current Halloweenie theme. 😁 Very happy about that. Don't know when I might change to match my Mareoquine pseud theme, though. Maybe once 2022 is over. 

Anyway, what is my purpose on GaiaOnline? Just to have some fun, I suppose! It's the only place I can currently do so since all my other accounts are...not for fun. And are pretty much...empty...and stuff...

Also, I have a blog on Gaia I plan to work on, maybe in 2022, to talk about music. Should be fun. I might cross-post somewhere else but I'm not sure where just yet. That was something I used to do in 2007 but stopped a long time ago. Maybe 2008? 


Ah, the glory days of Gaia... 😩

Don't know when this will go into full effect, but these are my intentions. Perhaps 2022 will see activity...

Friday, December 17, 2021

2022 intentions for my online writing

2022 has brought a lot of things to my attention as far as writing goes. There are so many writing programs and even maybe even more places to put one's writing up online that I just...It's boggling.

It's also pretty fucking annoying and frustrating and did I mention it pisses me off to learn about just one more of these damn sites?! πŸ˜’

Prior to leaving World Anvil, I had slight reservations about where to put my work online. I wanted a place where I could a) get good exposure and b) be in a community of some kind. While WA had the latter, the former was sorely missing. WA was, first and foremost, a worldbuilding platform. Writing practically had no place there. And believe me, it showed

I then learned about Royal Road, a...decent alternative to Wattpad, a site that makes me rage. I liked it enough that I put one of my finished and copyrighted stories up there but I've had reservations about it more recently as I've noticed the lack of variety in the content on the site from a distant point of view...

Then, there is my current favorite, Campfire. Campfire is a young, developing program I cannot wait to see the future of. My favorite in particular is Campfire Explore and what can come of that. 

There are plans for monetization of stories/works option in the future, something that recently has me hesitant to upload any more stories to Royal Road. While monetizing my work isn't "my intention" per se, I do like the idea of having all of my work under one banner since Campfire is also where I have my "wikis" for my stories/worlds/projects. That's pretty much what matters more than anything. Keeping things cohesive while having some leeway for nice things.

Finally, there's the most recent and newest place one can upload their writing...

Kindle Vella.


Don't get me wrong. It's a bloody brilliant idea. It's a more "professional" alternative to all of the previous sites like Wattpad, Inkitt, and Royal Road. In fact, if I didn't know about Campfire's intentions, I'd probably want to put my things on Vella. It being connected to Amazon is what makes it so appealing to me...

Now, onto my intentions for 2022 when it comes to this mess.

Where I'll be writing

Ultimately, Campfire has my heart right now. It has checkmarked one of the three things I desire and the other two are planned to come in the near future. Those four things are:

  • Having a wiki connected to a manuscript/vice-versa
  • Future monetization option
  • Future subscription-based feature for readers/followers

There's also the ability to upload whole wikis and manuscripts that are public by link only! It's fantastic. How can I not be enamored with Campfire???

Monetized stories to upload

At the moment, I am putting most of my focus on two major worlds and their connected stories which have completed stories. Said completed stories are furthermore the first stories in their series. 

The thing is, I have a single story on Royal Road right now. It is the longest story I have ever written so far and I wonder when I should remove it from RR since it is also available for reading on Campfire. Now, while this means, in the end, the story should absolutely remain free to read, I'm thinking of making it visible to certain subscribers in the future. 

In the meantime, I plan to have the following stories online:

God Noise: Volume I

This is obvious. The original completed version (vers. 4) of Volume I is the one I am uploading and is currently online on RR and CF. On RR, I am on chapter 35, and on CF, I am on chapter 9. Neither is really getting any attention...but, I'm going along with it anyway... πŸ˜“

GoNo is also having a "Remix", or what I currently call the "Special Edition". It'll probably end up being called a Remix when it is done, but it is what I am working on during my streams every night or so on Twitch. It is vers. 7, my 11th attempt at the Maybe it'll end up being a winner? 😀

Somehow, I doubt it...but I can hope (fucking Inhuman doesn't have this many failed versions, for fuck sake...).

As of yesterday, this new version of GoNo is going well and has neared 100k words! I'm making great strides but am also a bit behind since...well...

As you can see from this pic at the left, these three chapters are...stubs and incomplete. The thing is, I'm past them! I've made it to chapter 34 of vers. 7 as of yesterday. These three chapters are just evading me. Horribly. Painfully. Two are fight scenes, back to back (10 and 11) and the third is one of these is one of those intermission chapters that have a lot of talking in it. At least, that's what I call them. They move the story along. But every chapter is supposed to do that, so...uh. Yeah.

This new version of GoNo is the one that will definitely be monetized, however, when it is uploaded to CF. At least...I think so. πŸ˜•

Human Shed Skin: Inhuman

I can't believe how many times Inhuman has been uploaded online. I hate how many times Inhuman has been uploaded online. But when I upload it again, it absolutely has to be either the last or second to last time. Seriously. I need to stop.

Fortunately, version 5, attempt 11, is fantastic enough that it only needs minor tweaks instead of being completely rewritten. Thank gods. I really am happy with it. It can't be changed anymore. But anyway, when I do upload it, it'll probably be sometime next year. It feels almost like a holiday sort of story, or at the very least a winter sort of story, so maybe in February during T&E Month? πŸ€”

...No idea why I'm thinking that, but we'll see how it goes for now. Play it by ear. 

Part of me is wondering if Royal Road is where I upload all of my "old stories", thus upload something like vers. 3.3 of Inhuman there. But that's...ugh. Why the fuck would I do that???? So, we'll just go with the original plan of Campfire. 

It will definitely be monetized. I know the story is good enough to pull a lot of people in. You know how romance stories are. And it's a monster romance at that? With male/male? Fuck, you know it's going to be at least a quarter-hit. Because, honestly, that's all I can imagine right now...

Honestly, I just want reviews... πŸ˜”

There are other stories I could possibly upload that won't be for monetization, but I don't know how the monetization system is going to work yet. So, I'll hold off on that for now.

Essentially, I plan to finalize my decision to put my copyrighted stories online. Thus far, that means God Noise: Volume I and Human Shed Skin: Inhuman because they are the only stories that are worthy of being uploaded in my eyes. The other stories I have Under construction. Heavy construction.

Version 4

Version 7

Now, what does this mean about GoNo, however? A version of it is under construction too, yeah? Well, this was going to be a secret, but two versions of GoNo will remain on Campfire. One will be the original completed version, version 4. The other will be vers. 7, if all goes as it should. But I don't see that happening until some time into 2022 because of how much time this is taking...

Version 7 might not be done until halfway into the year is what I mean. I am really, truly trying to make this the "near-ultimate" version of its types. It's also nearing the league of Inhuman's version 5 so...I just feel it kind of, somewhat fitting to make this 11th revision as close to what I see in my head as well...

It's an attempt, anyway.

As for Inhuman itself...

As I said, revision 11 is pretty much the penultimate version as it is, so it won't be changed by much. I reread some of it yesterday and it had some errors here and there that need correcting, but definitely not an entire freaking rewrite. I'm very satisfied with it, pretty much.

...I feel I'm being redundant, so on to new stuff...

Once I am done with GoNo, I would like to get back into Inverse Sequences' Darkness and Silver Lining. I may have to do that alongside another story, A King and His Pawn, much as I worked on Passions of the Lune alongside The Thing is Dead, but we will see...

Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Qarollverse | 2022 hopes & plans

2021 is ending.

I don't know about anyone else, but this was an absolute waste of a year. I might as well be going back into 2021 with how little I look forward to 2022. 

But I'm going to try hard not to think about that.

As you can see, I've started a new blog since my old one was just...Ugh. Despicable. Over the fifteen years I've been using Blogger, I must have made about six blogs and started them all for the same reasons: My depression became such that my entries became too embarrassing to look at. It's just a rinsing and repeating cycle that happens every few years or so.


So, let' see if I can gather my thoughts coherently...

I have a shitload to talk about for my first entry back into the online world of blogging. I can only hope I don't disappoint myself...

Starting with—

2022 Hopes

I'm considering a few things for 2022. Namely stopping things. I won't stop working on my stories—how can I? But I am wondering if it is worth it to continue streaming. There's nothing I'd be doing instead, I admit, but there's also not much of a reason for me to continue at all. 

Why I started streaming, to begin with

Unlike many, I didn't start streaming to be part of a community, not really. I started because I was hoping it would be a good way to get my stories out into the world, get some attention. And because that hasn't quite worked, I am questioning my worth as a storyteller. There's no point for me to continue streaming and showing off my precious work if no one takes any interest...

I am a storyteller, first and foremost. Without an interest in my work, I am...lost. I have no fulfillment, no purpose in life. 

It might sound dramatic, but that's the truth for me. It's a truth even I have had to come to grips with in the past few months as I've wondered over and over why I felt so unfulfilled despite doing the very thing I love so much...


2022 Plans

I don't really have any plans for 2022 but to survive it without attempting to take my own life. It's the best I can hope for right now...

My Pseudonyms

    • One Hollows' Eve

I left the internet for six months or so because I felt completely ashamed of myself. I actually went ahead to make myself a new pseudonym with the intention to distance myself from my writing and written works. 

...It didn't go over well for the same reasons as before as well as reasons I really should have seen coming: I can't keep up appearances when I'm not myself...and I returned to writing after all. Because writing and storytelling are in my bones, marrow, and veins. I can't leave them behind even if I wanted to. It's saddening sometimes but it's just the reality of my...existence. 

I'm now stuck with the situation of getting rid of all my online profiles under the Elian Hollow/One Hollows' Eve pseuds. I worked really hard on those profiles and stuff. It's a shame I'll have to get rid of them. But I hate having multiple accounts online, especially when I don't use them, and I haven't used my Elian accounts in over a month...


At the same time, I suppose I could wait and see what happens in 2022 since the original plan was to do something in 2022 to begin with under said pseudonyms. It's a mess, really. πŸ˜•

    • Mareoquine

Originally, this was my pseudonym for gaming and...unsavory things. Controversial things. I think we all know about the Blackboxx Texts (and recently the trouble it actually got me into that I actually didn't quite think would happen...). But as I've come more into myself...I've...wondered if I should just...*sigh* combine everything into one. 

Much of an unwise thing that may be...


Everything, all of these pseudonyms and shit...They all come under the Qarollverse. I think it's time my shit together and figured out why I have all these pseudonyms and what they are for.

...Otherwise, I have no idea why I'm even doing this again.

If this doesn't work again, I solemnly swear I'm going to...stop making blogs.