Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: May 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Future planning sucks

It has its up and downs, sure; getting all excited about what I hope will be, what might be and could be...but it's working on getting there that's hard. At least, for me. I'm doing just poorly right now in terms of staying true to my weekday schedule. I don't know...It seems as if I've just...given out. The date to take the GED is in three weeks...and I'm doing horribly with my homework and focusing. I've given out...

I'm not even sure what I'm going to do if I do get my GED at all, anymore. Originally, I planned to go to Job Corps, first here in CT, now I'm thinking the one in Massachusetts, since it's better than the one here. I'm not saying I don't want to go anymore, but...there's also the gourmet health food school in NY that I could go to. Or should I go there first? Or second?? I'm not sure anymore. I feel as if I never really was...

And then. What about the things I need before going to either of these places?? I need...a new wardrobe. Honestly. Seriously. Totally. That means money. And who the hell is going to pay for that? Certainly not me, as much as I wish it was. And I can't imagine my parents spending money on me again. No. I hate it. I'm eight-fucking-teen. I should have a job.

And that's another thing. I want a job. Not so much because I "really want" one as much as I "need" one. And hell, I'd like to be independent. It doesn't help that I have such expensive tastes. But, you know, that comes with the interests. Curse it.

And what am I doing now? Staying up until 1:00 AM when I have school tomorrow. Not to mention I haven't done any studying in the past four days. Where the hell is my head at???

Yes. Self-ranting sucks. These aren't the rants for nothing.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Library ventures and other things

Anyone else love spending shatloads of time at the library?? I even find it a great place to catch a nap! Of course, that's only when the annoying, rude and loud teenagers and young adults aren't mucking with the quiet...but you get the idea, right?

The books I checked out today are two adult non-fiction. This is my second time looking up adult books after Lolita (which sucked, by the way), though this is the first time I've looked the books up on my own. They're called "The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden" and "The Horrific Sufferings of The Mind-Reading Monster Hercules Barefoot, His Wonderful Love and His Terrible Hatred". That last one interested me because of its circus-like cover. And it is indeed related to the freak show~! I love stories like that. The first one I came upon looking for another book entirely that...doesn't seem to be there/here...

I also looked up some reference books. Can't take out reference books, but I am in dire need of occult dictionaries and encyclopedias! So I wrote their names down for future reads and to hopefully buy from the bookstore. They looked very interesting indeed...

 Why occult books? Well, for a long while now, I've wanted to pursue my secret desire to research the occult. This little step already has me giddy. Those books looked so informative!! Names and histories and pictures! *Squeals like a little girl* Sucks they can't be borrowed, but I do understand why...

I was reminded about this now not-so-secret desire of mine when I remembered the newest PDV project, M&M last night. What, I didn't really forget; it's a figure of speech...But I was going stir-crazy with ideas and dreams about that whole witch doctor idea. I really have wanted to be a sort of neighborhood good witch for a long while, now. It all started, really, with Edge of the Woods, a natural foods store near my house. I'd love to get into medicine and herbs...via food, you see. I don't want to be a doctor, but I'd surely like to well know my way in a homeopathic house~! *Sighs* I dream about it...

Also, I was looking up the fairly new visual-kei band Elm on Grooveshark, but instead came upon another band also named Elm. Good golly man. Talk about different music. I love what I've heard so far! Strange that I can't find anything about them online. At least, at first glance. And have I ever mentioned I love looking up new music?! I'd go into details but I'm on a roll here...

It's good that I have things to talk about again...It feels right. There's always so much stuff stuck in my head...

I can genuinely say I'm in a good mood right now. I hope it lasts...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Me vs. Food

So...I made my first post in my real RoaM blog...and I have to say I'm a bit snarkier than I had intended. I think? The calm, bored and wholly sarcastic approach has always been my thing, believe it or not, but no one outside of my family are familiar with that side of me. Hmm. I know, it's harsh. It really is. Yeah. Tough. And no, amiss how it might sound, the blog was not made to spite my community or anything like that. Hell, I'm having fun with it. I'm doing this for me. Like everything...

*Sigh* Anyway. I have a problem. A very common, typical and annoying problem women and especially young adult females go through. Yes, I'm sick of it, too. Thus I rant. Read it if you like, I'm just going to rant and vent a bit here for my health's sake...

Power's been out for over a month. We just got it back today. In said month's time, all I've eaten are crackers, subs, and Asian takeout. Needless to say, that is a HUGE deviation from what I usually eat. And although I'm well aware it was better than nothing and I am thankful for being able to eat at all...Call me over-dramatic. Call me "one of those girls". Call me stupid. Call me overreacting. But it's a huge thing that I've gained a mere five pounds since I've started eating like this. Hell, it probably doesn't even show. I can't tell. I can't feel anything different. Five pounds might even do me well. But five pounds is not the weight I've had for the past few years. Yes. I am panicking, as stupid, silly and unnecessary as that sounds. But I have good reason...

I panic about gaining weight not because I want to look like a supermodel. Not because I want to be skinny. Not because I want to fit into clothes. Not for some guy who doesn't exist. I panic about gaining weight in any unnatural way...because of my mom. My mother has struggled with her weight since...forever, it seems, even though I see pictures of her when I was seven and she was actually exactly where she wants to be now, unlike the way I remember her...I don't know why, either...

Thus all I remember is growing up watching her struggle, watching her attempt different ways to combat her weight, involving my brothers and I in subtle, helpful ways by teaching us to love organic and whole foods. We all still do, but I more than...everyone, really. I'm the health freak. Emphasis on freak. I drive everyone, including myself, obviously, crazy about eating good or better food choices.

So the fact that I've gained a mere five pounds within a week or so results in my heaving a nervous breakdown last night. I literally had to tell myself to shut up so I could get some sleep to wake up for school. Worked, but....the point I'm trying to make is...I don't want to end up like my mom. That's it in a nutshell. Because of her weight issues, I she was unable to do things she really wanted to do, and once did because her body just didn't allow her to anymore. And I watched her go through her depressions...and I tried to help her, but...*scoffs*

I don't want to end up like that. I fear it more than death because, quite frankly, I welcome death. To quote one of my favorite stories,

To die will be an awfully big adventure.

In my case, it ain't a frigging adventure. It's either a Hell or Heaven and I genuinely think I've earned some plentiful time in Hell...Overall, I'd rather dream of death than being overweight. That is how severely...I don't want to use the word, but scarred I am from watching my mom. And simply being aware...

Sure. As I grow up, especially as a woman, I could still gain weight. But it'd probably be a more natural weight gain than...from eating wrong and being inactive. That I can deal with. So it's not about being thin. It's about being healthy.

So how can I be sure this is a healthy weight gain based upon the fact that I've only gained this weight within a week's time on a diet like that? Especially amiss the fact that I walk from my house to the library and back every day, even on the weekends. I don't even know what that distance is, but it's a lot. And that doesn't even count the times I might just walk around town...

Based on all I've told you, even I think I have a good reason to be at least a little bit panicked. I'm a woman, damnit, I have a right to be a bit vain. Not to mention it IS my body. But nervous breakdown-worthy?


Monday, May 9, 2011

Why are all the best names taken?

...Well...!!! Yeah. It seems that way most of the time...

Another not-really-new-but-being-mentioned-for-the-first-time new interest/project-of-a-sort. Title a.k.a. Project #3 of 2011.

I was thinking about the Latin phrase "memento mori". Came upon it after listening to BUCK-TICK and Deathgaze's songs of the same name. Both songs are good...but BUCK-TICK's is...HOO. The style of the song! The lyrics! THE WHIMSY! TEH SPOOKEH OOKEH CREEPEH! *Ahem* I am reminded of Alice in Wonderland when listening to it. I love that song. So. Much.

Back to the point.

I also recently discovered the mori-girl style thanks to browsing a plethora of lolita blogs (again, curse it). No, no, NO. I will NOT be getting into mori style. Sort of. At least, ehehee...not like that. Y'see, along with wanting to become a chef— have I ever mentioned I want to become a health foods chef? Yes, I very much do; macrobiotics, too. All of that earthy good foods stuff that you'd probably find Grandma and Grandpa or your uber hippie neighbor eating...

...*grins* or your friendly neighborhood witch doctor...

If you've put it all together, you and me, we pals. Awesome idea, ain't it? I've wanted to be since...well, since forever, really...though inadvertently...

I'm goooood at making up names...

Again. WHY are all the best names TAKEN?!

*Angst angst angst*

But I shall somehow prevail...somehow...

Welcome, Project M&M! has nothing to do with M&Ms, and, hell, the "&" shouldn't even be there...

Blog-related updates

I was going over things yesterday (at the wee remains of night and by candlelight...) related to my blogs and ideas. Now, I want you, the reader, to know a few things about the way I work: I always think ahead for what I hope to be related to my dreams/aspirations and in the strangest and slightest ways. In this case, what I do is make "placeholders" online. Not all the time, but very often enough. So, again, in this case, I was thinking about my blogs. At the very moment, literally this very moment, I have three via Blogspot/Blogger, even though the other two are (currently) not listed on my profile. But I hope to have:

  • One blog for my HTML/CSS/whatevertheshat demos and tests;
  • One blog for my personal life that is more...appropriate for my community to read (must I do this? I think so) and is more of an explanation to them (why must I do this? I wonder) and my family about my...choices in life and my (future/journey through my) lifestyle; this might just be my LiveJournal blog instead...;
  • One blog that is for my journey into what I dub the "hard alternative" and gothic subculture(s), which is what I (hope) this blog will (eventually) be;
  • One blog for my journey into the Japanese fashions I like, most notably gothic lolita and gothic aristocrat;
  • One blog that will be "THE" "MY" blog and will ultimately feature all of these things (except the first one) in them and a lot more.
FOr a...Weird. I know. But this is just how I work. I promise it won't be too much...? I look forward to the day all five blogs are up and runnin' the way I want them to be, actually.Though right now I can't make a new one without my friggan cell phone working...

Random update. Primarily for my sake,

New week, new rules

I think.

More like new month, new rules...but you get it. It is a Monday, after all.

Since I haven't posted as often as I used to in the past few weeks, I've decided to do something...pretty easy. Sure, this blog is meant to be about my steps to get out of the babybat phase and whatnot (even though, in my personal opinion, I'm pretty much out of it...?), but there's just nothing I can do about that right now. I'm literally stuck working on my education right now. No compromises, whatsoever.

SO I'm going to start at least once or twice or however-often-I-can-spare-it-a-week entries of my observations and whatever else comes to pretty much what I was doing before, isn't it...? Whatever. After all, I've had some pretty weird things happen to me and seen some strange things in the past weeks...

For instance, I have literally seen at least one unnatural redhead/female with red dye in her hair a day. I say "female" because the age range varies. What is with all the red?? Is it a new fashion statement...?? I started noticing this about two weeks ago...

And you won't believe what happened last week with all of these....! Okay. So I literally (hmm, I seem to be using that word a lot today...) wear the same thing every other day of the week. Same clothes. Same pants, amiss the fact that I have four pairs...So I don't know why I'm suddenly attracting the attention of all of these men...and older ones at that!! Last week, maybe Wednesday or Tuesday, was the worst. I was just around the corner from my house, coming back from school, when a guy in a van pulls up and waves at me. I don't think anything of it...random friendly person is random. So whatever. Halfheartedly waved back. Was that a bad move? The damn jerk had the nerve to come BACK AROUND the block just to pull up and ask me if I needed a ride. Now I know this was a bad move: I said no...and asked why. That...I don't even. I wasn't thinking, I really wasn't. But I was morbidly (dangerously...) curious. And he said he asked because I was cute.

I damn ran 'way. Heard the nut say "Sorry" as I skedaddled. Pfft, my ass, he was sorry.

And then a day or so after that, I was called "pretty lady" or someshat by some random passer-by as I was walking from or to school...and to make it worse, there's this guy who is apparently related to my upstairs or downstairs neighbors and he's been "Mmm~"-ing at me lately if he's around when I come home. WHAT THE HELL?

Needless to say, I now walk with mace on my keychain.

'Course, if I had it my way, I'd be walking around with that and a baton. I have to get me one...whenever that'll be...

Today, a rather...interesting encounter (quote-on-quote) with an older man happened today. I missed my bus from school, so I was...the only one waiting for one. This older Caucasian man I've never seen before comes over and asks if the bus came by. I said we missed it. After a moment or two, he suddenly, out of the blue, tells me

"Why, you look like you're dressed for Halloween!"

...With a smile on his face. And pointy teeth. Hmm. They looked natural. Miss Halloween wasn't in a good mood. Otherwise, Miss Halloween would have said something wonderfully snarky. Instead, Miss Halloween glances at him and ignores him. But inside, Miss Halloween was doing the boogie. He complimented me! HE REALLY DID~!! At least, I take that as a compliment. At least for now. After hearing it a few hundred times, it may become tedious and annoying...but I'll savor it for now~!!

...Though I don't understand why anyone would say that. One day I'll show you the outfit I'm wearing...

*Ahem* My brother calls me an aircraft missile launcher. In other words, I really don't like compliments. That doesn't mean I don', like them from time to time. I'd just rather not hear them. Weird, I know...

Ah, well. I'm actually at the local masjid (the place where Muslims pray and congregate, etc). Usin' the Wi-Fi since power is out at home.Yep. That is another reason why I've been so quiet...

I plan to make another picture-heavy post showing more brands I like...and hope to have in my inventory one day...but that probably won't happen anytime soon. Who knows.

In the past weeks, I've been listening to Paralysed Age and Clan of Xymox. Oooh~ I LOVE Xymox!! Definitely one of my favorite bands. But in the past half a year, I've been obsessing over Insane Clown Posse and Turmion Kätilöt. Do not get me started on these two bands. *Shakes head*...OBSESSED. OBSESSED I TELL YOU!!

...But BUCK-TICK rules all...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Random, pointless update

Well, it's been a while since I last posted. Nothing absolutely special has happened since...but nonetheless...

The first thing off the top of my head is this new Asian restaurant located Downtown that has taken the place of the Coldstone Creamery that used to be there. After reading a few lolita blogs, I came upon bubble tea. Never thought anything of it until I entered the restaurant, named Dee Asian Kitchen, earlier last week. I saw they had bubble tea and told myself I'd have it the second time I came around. And yesterday, I did. The flavor was pineapple. I love pineapples. I had some problem with the tapioca at first, considering I didn't think they were sweet at all, but I will try another again!

The first time I went there I had gyoza dumpling with shrimp and yesterday I had their mushroom with shrimp Shu Mai. Looking at what I chose now, I realize those were all appetizers, but...I don't have money to spend on a real meal, unfortunately...At least right now, that is. But next time, I'd like to try their noodle well as their mochi ice cream~ I do love mochi, after all. They have an online 3D menu, so that's helpful for deciding what I'd like to eat before I go Downtown.

 ...Still don't have a camera...or I would've taken pictures...

Well, what else happened...

...Nothing worth talking about.

Things related to my ultimate dream? Nope.


Nothing to rant about, folks.

By the way, I have another follower! Er, viewer? Watcher? "Follower" sounds funny...but nonetheless, thank you!!

I'm beside an idiot at the library who won't stop cussing. I mean...really. Manners. Hell, all of these guys are cussing up storms....

And I finally borrowed the book Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I'm a few pages in to him meeting (and interacting) with Dolores, a.k.a. Lolita, the book's namesake. Now, the reason why I'm reading this book is to get an idea of what a pedophile is like, friend of mine is making a novela about a very twisted, inhuman pedophile and ephebophile. Well, it's more so a visit into his mind and how he works...
...and I never expected this bastard of a man in the book, "Humphry Humphry", to be such a....UGH!

Reading this book has also helped with knowing the lolita style from the book. There's nothing similar about them. Literally. There's nothing these two have in common aside from their name. It's like saying the word "frank" is only similar to the name Frank by namesake. Nothing else.

Remember that, peoples!!

*Sigh* Hopefully the next update will be more...interesting. Maybe a movie review, since I've watched a few and have access to a plethora of movies