Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: September 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Body modifications

I've been thinking for a long time about body mods. I've always loved them, but never did any research about them until recently. Boy, have I been surprised. As many problems that can occur from them, I'm somewhat unsure whether I should get them or not. Not to mention...the cost. Literally. So here are the body mods I would love to have (no pictures, I don't have time for that right now):

  • Eyebrow piercings (two)
  • Bridge piercing (...?)
  • Nose piercings (one on each nostril)
  • Tongue piercing (though I'm still thinking about it)
  • Lip piercings (snakebites)
  • Ear piercings (multiple on each ear, including plugs)
  • Third eye dermal (one...or three...?)
  • Tongue tattoo (...?)
  • Septum piercing
  • Ear pointing
I'm sure about everything except the tongue piercing, tongue tattoo...and bridge piercing. My mother doesn't think I should "ruin my beautiful face", and she doesn't know I want to point my ears or tattoo my tongue but she'll probably not like it, but she has allowed me to get one nose ring, one eyebrow ring, and I think one lip ring. For now. I shall not complain. It's the cost that annoys me. At least $50 for a piercing? Seriously? 

Of course, I plan to get fake piercings for all places I hope to get real ones at before I do anything. This way I could get a job before doing anything that could be disastrous. I hope to be a chef, novelist and own my own company in the future, but what about the jobs before that? Probably a waitress and working in a music store. I like those ideas. I don't want a job that is corporate or anything. But what about the other costs that might come up? What if I get an infection? A serious one? It'd be horrible...but considering how common piercings are now, it can't be that bad...right...?

Oh, well. Time to look at the prices of fake piercings...


Ugh, ugh, ugh. I'm sweating like a wet bridge, here. It's extremely humid out, today, probably 100%, and...well, all the clothes I have are made of heavy material. No summer clothes. And I have to wear layers. I'm not even going to explain how uncomfortable I am right now.

At the library again. School is out, so I thought I'd entertain myself since I couldn't yesterday even though it was my birthday. No milkshake for me...*Le sigh*

I think I saw a fellow deviant on Tuesday. She wore very nice makeup and her boots were amazing...though I sure don't remember what she was wearing. I only see her face and boots in my head.

By the way, I had a very nice shopping haul on Saturday. The Salvation Army close to my home has some great stuff. I only spent around $9 and got a shirt and pants! Oh, the shirt is fantastic. Interestingly, it's by Charlotte Russe. I can't wait to wear it with something...

And about my Eid wishlist...well, obviously thanks to that stupid person who used my bank account that didn't happen. Oh, I was so hoping to buy some nice armwarmers from Zen And Coffee...But the ones I found from Claire's are okay for now.

There's not much to talk about, but, hey, an update won't kill anyone. Kind of excited about my first video, even though it'll be hard to find more outfits from the limited things in my wardrobe. Well, not limited...

I'm ranting.

I am bored.

So I shall listen to music. My small CD collection is beginning to grow...somewhat....I now have four CDs...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Small update

Soooo. I've been dead again. Same reasons as before. Internet access is extremely limited right now and since we've moved, I just don't like to walk in this neighborhood. Not at all. I don't care how close the library is to me now. I got online on Saturday, but only for a few hours.

I know I'm behind on the Goth Challenge posts. I just don't have time to upload them right now...In fact, a lot of posts I had planned had to be saved as drafts. Such a mess...

At my "school" (it's an adult education career campus, really), I was one of the student guides for...tourists, of a sort. Nothing extremely special, though one of my fellow students did really well, wow. He deserved a pat on the back.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Goth Challenge: Day 27

Day Twenty-Seven: The worst thing you ever did to a newbie.

I am the newbie and the worst thing I ever did to myself was not start expressing who I am sooner! It might seem somewhat trivial but you have no idea how horrible this is to me! I feel like I should've done what I'm doing now years ago. It almost hurts that I'm starting "so late" now, at all times. I just don't understand why I didn't listen to my inner deviant screaming from within in 2008. I tried to start with prose instead of materialistic things, but that was just a waste of time. And now I'm just so unhappy...and it's just a bad time to be starting. At least I think so...because I'm a Muslim...not to mention money is so tight now...and my mental issues...

In other news, I'm at the library again and I still wish I had a camera. Picking up my laptop around to take pictures of things just doesn't feel safe for dear T2.L (my laptop). He's fragile and so young!!! D: NOT TO MENTION HUGE. His screen is 17'' for crying out loud!

Anyone else make lists of all of the online sites they want to buy from? I find myself browsing those sites for hours...and of course all of my favorites and adding favorites on Etsy~ heaven. An expensive heaven.  And I'm surprised I have so many stores from all around the world...Europe, UK, Asia, Australia, New Zealand...Makes me happy.

The Goth Challenge: Day 28 (late)

Day Twenty-Eight: Do you consider yourself an eldergoth?

AHAHAHA! No. I'm a babybat. Not at heart, but still a babybat. And I'm not afraid to admit it. I would no longer consider myself a babybat once I find myself completely comfortable with expressing who I am and active in the community. That'll probably take a few more years...*sigh* but it'd take a long while for me to consider myself an eldergoth. I'd have to be in my forties or fifties, maybe. That's a long way let's not think about that...

I hope to do some videos soon. Taking inspiration from Sebastian, I'm just going to talk about...things that are on my mind and my beginnings as a babybat and whatnot. I think it'd be more interesting to talk about them on a video than talk about them in a blog. Maybe use videos to compliment the entries...I like that idea...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mall haul (late)

God wasn’t mad at me, today~! My brother took me to the mall~! Sort of. Bah, fact of the matter is I went~! LUGGING AROUND A 17-INCH LAPTOP. But I did it~! Went to three places: GameStop, Claire’s and Hot Topic. OH, Claire’s is niiice! It’s an accessory shop, pretty much, as well as cosmetics here and there. Really nice! I’d love to go there again. Maybe buy some cheap cosmetics just to begin testing makeup (meaning using me as a guinea pig). Best thing is that all three stores are real close to one another and near the exit. There’s also an H&M and a Forever 21 in the mall, but we didn’t have time to go there. I’m going to have to take a Shitty Webcam Pic of the things I bought later.

From Claire's I bought buckled armwarmers and from Hot Topic I bought some much-needed suspenders and...THE NEW DIR EN GREY CD, Dum Spiro Spero~!! I haven't even listened to it yet! But like my Deathstars CD, Night Electric Night, and The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack, I'm going to rip the songs into MP3s and then store the CD away until I can find a proper place to put my CDs! That'll also keep the CDs in pristine condition~ This makes my total of music CDs...three. *Falls to knees* Such a long way to go...

The Hot Topic near me...has totally sold-out. OH, it's pathetic. It's nowhere near as decent as it used to be. Once upon a time, there were two wonderful sized racks of music from my chest to the floor filled with alternative music, but now...only two puny "walls", if they can even be called that, that aren't even used right to take advantage of the space they have and WHY THE HELL IS JUSTIN BIEBER THERE?! You can find his music anywhere! The albums that I found there the very first time I went couldn't be found anywhere offline within a music store, or at least the ones I went into! Why do they have such a small selection of music now, and not even good music at that!? I probably won't even see Dum Spiro Spero again after a few weeks!

Oh, bah. There's nothing that interests me in this Hot Topic anymore. I miss the Tripp NYC stuff. Where're the cool armwarmers they had?? What happened to the hats?? They carried some decent stuff in there once upon a time! They haven't even started putting any Halloween stuff up, yet...There's something seriously wrong with that! Even Claire's had Halloween stuff in it! They're late, man. Seriously late for an "alternative" store. They sold-out. End of discussion. And this lil' deviant is pissed. I knew I should've bought from them sooner...

My brother bought four PS2 games from GameStop~ We have two fifth generation video game consoles (Playstation One and Nintendo 64) and two sixth generation video game consoles (PlayStation 2 and GameCube) and we still have a lot of games to buy for all four systems. My brother was very nice and also bought a new GameStop PS2 controller since he bought Soul Calibur 3. The other three games are Tomb Raider: Legend (MY NEW FAVE~), Hitman: Blood Money and Hulk: Ultimate Destruction for him. You won't catch me dead playing Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. It's soooo boring to me. I somewhat enjoy watching my brother play it, though. I'm totally loving Tomb Raider. It's like The Legend of Zelda with guns, a female lead and an Indiana Jones sort of setting. 

So, I guess this was a nice late Eid shopping day. I'm happy. :)

The Goth Challenge: Day 26 (late)

(Forgot to post this.)

Day twenty-six of the GC is Show a photo for every year (or month if you're new) that you've being into Goth, but be it that I have no camera and have never had one...I have nothing to show you all today! As for talking about something relating to the topic, I don't know what to do there, either.

So...thus day is null and void. OTL

Holy book thumpers pt. 2

Same woman from that previous post and my thoughts about what I classify as "holy book thumpers".

Searched her blog for anything with the word "goth" in it and, well, lookie what other post I came upon....

So this one is from a woman who asked about multiple piercings, which is something I am going to get into, regardless. Fucking stupid...First of all, it opens with a sentence that pisses me off:

"[The sisters are] now thinking beyond their surrounding environment and taking the most important step that is questioning the different behaviors people are blindly taking."

"Blindly taking", what the...?! 

Okay, fine. Not getting a tattoo or getting your teeth permanently changed (into fangs, say) is something I can deal with as a Muslim; there are plenty of alternatives like Scarecrow fangs and henna tattoos. But THIS:

"...most Muslims have fallen, due to many factors, such as: media, peers…etc in the obsession of attraction and fashion, these delusions were illusions wrapped   into “I just want to look different” and “feel special about myself”. All that deluded them away from the main identity as Muslims, i.e. being liberated from worshiping anything, or anyone other than Allah Almighty, that’s what makes you special and important."

"Have fallen"? She seriously uses this language?! And what the hell is wrong with individuality, expressionism and looking different? Illusions and delusions! 

"Is this the custom or tradition of a deviated group? If so, then remember the prophet peace be upon him had said: “Whoever imitates a people, he is one of them”, a hadith narrated by many of the prophets companions: Abdallah Ibn Omar ibn Alkhattab who used to be so carful on imitating the prophet peace be upon him, even in the way he tied his animal. Hudhayfa, the companion who the prophet peace be upon him had told him the names of all the hypocrites in Madina. The companion that Omar Ibn Alkhattab used to follow from one place to another, just to tell him if he were from them or not." 

Then she goes on to cite quotes from Hadiths and whatnot that pretty much sums up that it's fine to "heavily load" your ears and get your nose pierced if you're a woman. BUT:

"As for the tongue, stomach, eyebrow and other body parts piercing. It is definitely the behavior of deviated groups, not to mention the medical side effects, therefore harram. Imitating deviated groups is not just in the piercing, but in any behavior. I ask Allah to protect us from any deviation, and deviations that have been made to seem as norms and “cosmetics”. Unfortunately many Muslims are now imitating gothics in the way they dress, not knowing that imitating a group means you are part of them, as the prophet peace be upon him said."

Medical side effects? Has this woman never seen a person with such piercings before? Last I checked, a good lot of them are perfectly healthy in terms of "medical side effects" from the piercing. I want to smack someone. Where is my whip?

Sure, there are alternatives to piercings. There are fake piercings that I hope to get, but that's to see how the piercing would look on me before getting permanent ones. That's it. This is the shit I'm going to have to go through. But, boy, am I hope to be one happy mofo one day.

I will be.