Monday, November 20, 2023

Settle for the "bull's run"? | Something something 2023

This year has Been to the psyche ward a housemate...found pieces of my soul dissipating bit by bit. Good shit, man. 🙃

Let's take a moment to review 2023, shall we? Because this year was just so fucking great, it's worth going over. 😒

February 2023

In February, I got me a housemate, someone I've known for some years now. Problem is, I don't like her. And I told her that while I was at the hospital. You can imagine how well that went over, and she is currently staying at friends' and/or family's for the holidays or something. 

Why did I take her in, you're probably wondering?

I didn't want her to be homeless. 🙁 that backfired. Epically.

But apparently, I'm the asshole in this situation. Very well. Nothing new there.

I also went to the psyche ward in February, but before my housemate moved in. Didn't stay long but there I stayed nonetheless.

In-between 2023

There's literally nothing to talk about here, so let's move on to September.

September 2023

Haha. My burffday month!

Nothing happened.

Moving on... 😒

November 2023

Here we are today. Also went to the psyche ward, for three weeks, which I've been back from for about a week now. During my stay, as I said, I told her that I didn't like her. I am nothing if not an honest bastard. That's going to epically backfire, too, I just know it...

Expect my return to the ward in a few weeks. I can feel it.

Also, there seems to be something going on with NaNoWriMo? Something pretty skeevy. I don't like it, but NaNo has helped me so much I think I'll just ignore what happened for now.

You fucking heard me right.

The 'x' button is up in the corner, man. No one's stopping you from using it. 🖕🏾

That's that. That's the review of 2023. December is just an early harbinger to 2024, so...fuck it.

New Year's resolution? Huh. Fuckin' don't end up in the psyche ward again but that's a joke. So, at the very least, my resolution is to...

...not kill myself? 🤪 I'unno, man. I just don't fucking know.

Nor do I care, really.

...Seriously, why the fuck do people follow me online?

Monday, May 1, 2023, that happened

There's a hole in the world...and it's full of shit.

'Lo, 2023. I'm back on Blogger because why did I leave to begin with? It's just what I need and I love it, honestly. So, here I am.

What have I to talk about...Well, some things have changed. Namely, I've ridden the internet of Paneidoverse save for one location (Campfire Explore) and God Noise is lucky that it has a complete draft or I would've dropped it hard a long time ago.

Seriously. Fuck God Noise.

*Sighs* One good thing to come from all of that I pretty much imposed a job on myself. I've reworked the "Qarollverse". *Shudders* That name is horrendous. It is now...*drumroll* Candelabræm Books!

No idea how this is going to fully work as far as a Kickstarter goes, but. I do have three books completed that I can hand out. So that should be on my side...? Somehow?

The books that I plan to publish under Candelabræm are:

  • Inhuman
  • Passions of the Lune
  • God Noise

Fuck God Noise. Fuck it hard.


These three books, while complete, have something not in common. That being...they are in various stages of "complete" despite having actual complete versions. Goddammit.

How would I explain this...

Candelabræm Books is the final incarnate, and my final bet, of the dream company I invented in 2006. It's gone through several incarnations and even has a sub-project (Paneidoverse) that's practically gone nowhere over the past sixteen years. I'm so tired.

Now, I currently have the beginnings of a Kickstarter going. If I were to pitch it, I'd have to have...something. Something tangible to give out. Therein lies the problem. Or is it a problem...?

I've seen other places go around this by not offering anything tangible. I mean, rather, that they haven't offered anything that can actually be seen in pics. They just say what they have and people have no choice but to put faith in their words...

...I'll talk more about this later. I've work to do...

One hollowed...spirituality??

I have finally figured out what my One Hollows' Eve accounts will be used for. I know exactly why it took so long to think this up, too...

So. Apparently, I'll be using ol' OHE for my spiritual journey. I am both intrigued and terrified by this mental development. Because religion and spirituality and I don't get along, man. 😕 Not a bit. So, while it's real cool that my mind wants to take a wee bit of time out of my existence to try to get spiritual shit together, there's a part of me wondering why I'm even fucking bothering.

But...I'm willing to see if this works out. I'm nothing if not a patient son of one... 😔