Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: Surprise, surprise

Monday, June 29, 2015

Surprise, surprise

Well, well. I'm not dead, yet. In case anyone actually does read this sore excuse for a blog, let it be known that all is...okay. Life at Job Corps could be worse...

The first good news is that I am currently back and visiting my hometown during this summer break that, for me, will last until the 6th of July or so. The reason is because I wish to return to EJC to spend free time with the current most precious person in my partner. 

Mr. Stark is shy

Alas, yes! We met at Job Corps. Oooh. Stereotypes about people there aren't exactly false, but...I'm sure of my decision to be with him. Simply put, he's no boy...Hell, amongst all of the boys at EJC, I actually found a man and he's MINE. I've never regreted a moment with him and never will. For now, he will go by the name of Mr. Stark to all. Except my family, because he met them. 

Needless to say, he can look a lot like movie!Tony Stark...

Other than that, which was the second good news...

Well, it's rather early to know for sure, but I should have a job sometime after this break at a place called Greggs. I'll be a server. Waitress. The good thing'd be great to have money again. The bad having to work again. Talking to people. I hate people. Not to mention it'll keep me from Mr. Stark! We're going to have a long-distance relationship, soon, as it is...

...Frightening to think about...

But I won't get into all of that. It's depressing...

...I've been inert for 3 1/2 days, now. Doing absolutely nothing. Wearing the same clothes since Friday night. Listening to music. Updating profiles. Eating frozen food. I don't want to do anything. I've been working for months and months and months; I deserve this break. At the same time, though, I must get off my arse tomorrow (though I said that yesterday, too). There is much I must do to prepare for returning to Job Corps and...for...that...


Help, I'm alive.

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