Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015


So. Another one of those general updates entries that are more suited for my old blog that I have inactive, at the moment. Yeah, I've decided that I will bring it back once I...finish my goals.

Also, there's no particular "category" for this entry. It sort of comes under all of them...

2015. Much has happened in the past...oh, seven months. I don't honestly know where to begin. Everything from my grandfather dying to my cat dying last weekend...completing the first portion of my culinary trade...making a complicated friend...making a handful of genuine friends...Things that normally never or rarely happen in my life.

I am going to be leaving to Exeter, Rhode Island on Tuesday, or so the current date predicts. Weather might change everything, of course, since New England is seriously getting its ass whooped this winter. Glorious, dangerous winter. Nearly froze my extremities just a few minutes ago in this frigid cold...

...There is much I consider sharing. However, as I don't know just who reads this blog, I shall stay mum, for now. For now...

In the past month I've been incredibly selfish, at least in my eyes and opinion. I don't like it. I hate what money does to humans and no one can convince me that I'm simply giving myself a treat, trying to de-stress from all of the bullshit I deal with on a daily basis or whatever seemingly-logical excuse there is.

I hate money.

I hate liking money.

What else...

There is much I want to say. So much. I simply don't know how to word it all. I have to prepare myself for an entire year of more Job Corps drama, trauma, and all else that comes with living there. It's not that I don't appreciate what I can get for free. But it, in its own twistedly unique way, is still very painful. At least, it is painful for me. The things this Job Corps has done to my mind...

I can only hope I am strong enough to deal with this for 12 months. I can only hope I am mature enough to know when it is time to work and WORK, damn it all. I can only hope the friendships I've made here last for as many years as the years I have, as I do for all my friendships, and that I'll see them again soon. I can only hope that I don't ruin my chances to have my dream future. I can only hope...I have the mental strength to make my dream future come true.

...I hope my willpower is strong. Stronger that I thought it ever was.

...Ah, well...

...I also hope I manage to get all of the things I need to get over this weekend or being at Exeter is going to hurt. A lot more than it already will, that is...

I'm a pessimist, remember?

So, as I've done several times in the past, I have yet another regimen that is part of what I call the Hot Blood Regimens. The...past handful or so of these regimens have...failed stupendously. This new one, however, I truly have to commit myself to, For my own sake. And the sake of my dreams that...I want to make tangible.

Tuesday, or whatever day I arrive at Exeter, is the day I begin my Hot Blood Advanced Regimen, so named in honor of my aschievment to advanced trade.

...The only successful HBR I ever had was the Hot Blood Overdose in 2012...

...That was a good year...

Pessimism aside, this is the last weekend I can fool around. I'd better make it count.

Thus truly begins the year 2015.

...And I've been hating it since it started.

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