Tuesday, October 25, 2022

When writing isn't fun anymore

I've been writing all my life.


I don't remember when I first started or anything. It's always been a constant thing in my life. I do know that, before I even knew the alphabet, I would scribble on paper as if I was writing. I tried to stay on the lines...but hey, I was very young.

Fast forward to...today.

I feel like a washed-up wannabe writer, never able to get anything done and constantly letting people down. It's utterly impossible for me to feel...as if I have done something. I'm fucking 30 years old. What have I accomplished? What have I done that I am proud of?

Nothing. I feel as if my younger years were robbed from me with depression and suicidal ideation, and my older ones were just...stagnant. No matter what good I tried to do for myself, I never did anything worth my efforts, time, or blood and sweat. Not to mention too many tears.

It's come to a point that I kind of...resent writing. Or something. Maybe just me and my writing, because I can't get rid of my desire to write no matter what I do. It's too ingrained in me. It's all I've ever wanted to do, all I've ever done when not sleeping or crying or whatever.

I'm pathetic.

I'm writing this to let everyone know I feel pathetic. 

I'm not...what people think I am. 

What I think, or wish, I am. 

I don't want to write. I say that, but I know I'll go right back to writing anyway. It's in my blood. My marrow. My DNA. It's pathetic...

Needless to say, my writing will be on pause for a while. I don't know when I'll update again on Tapas or AO3...because...I'm just...so tired. Painfully...utterly exhausted. 

Gods...I just want it all to end.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Recent developments | GOD NOISE, social media, and more

'Lo, ev'ryone! As of writing this, I am in the midst of working on my social media, from Instagram to SpaceHey. I've also decided to finally upload some of God Noise Vol. I onto Tapas!

Creative news

God Noise Vol. I: Echo vers.

It's going really freaking well! I'm excited. I'm currently on chapter 34, or 21 if I don't count the Expanded Edition chapters. I've also worked on the wiki quite a bit, something I...um. I'll have to think twice about putting on the usual sites I've been uploading my encyclopedia for Paneidoverse... πŸ€”

There are many reasons...and I'm not sure how to express them...

Oh, yeah, and GoNo:V.I. is definitely gonna be on Tapas like...today. 😁


I still don't have my Paneidoverse site done, and the deadline is coming waaay too close for comfort. People can access the PNDVS site via my Discord where I also have the guest password for Those Who Know (role).

Just thought I'd mention that... πŸ˜•

Social Media

I hate social media. πŸ˜‘ Did I mention I hate social media? Social media hates me. But I am a writer and a storyteller who wants to have a meager following if nothing else, and thus I am forced to use social media.

Social media I hate. πŸ˜’


...I ain't got a clue what the fuck I'm doing here. Should I leave...?? πŸ™


I've not been ignoring my Patreon, I just forget it exists. So I decided to give the damn thing a proper appearance and info! Thus, I can happily say my Patreon is looking miiighty fiiine. It now looks like something I actually want to look at and be proud of. 

I remade my Patreon welcome post, and golly, I think it's pretty sweet. 😊 I'd appreciate it if you check it out, at the very least. πŸ™‚


I made a new post for the first time in forever. Thing is, it's no different from the stuff I usually post, which are my links. I never know what to upload to my Twitter. It's such a strange place and I don't like it, personally. I think that's why I'm just putting simple things on it at the moment. I hope to be more involved, perhaps, starting NaNo or January. I'll need to do something with it as I start Teasers & Excerpts Month...

Ugh...T&EM is going to kill me. 😩 But we'll get to that bridge when we cross it...

...or something. πŸ˜–


The least I can do with this is post snippets of my prose like I did during a period of my Insta account. Problem is, I think it's gonna get old real fast. I could always try to post based on the chapter I'm working on at the time I post, but...ugh, that is going to take so much effort. So much time!

And a Canva Pro account. Or...maybe not. But I've found what I need works best with a pro account. Dammit. I had to be poor. πŸ’Έ
