'Lo, ev'ryone! As of writing this, I am in the midst of working on my social media, from Instagram to SpaceHey. I've also decided to finally upload some of God Noise Vol. I onto Tapas!
Creative news
God Noise Vol. I: Echo vers.
It's going really freaking well! I'm excited. I'm currently on chapter 34, or 21 if I don't count the Expanded Edition chapters. I've also worked on the wiki quite a bit, something I...um. I'll have to think twice about putting on the usual sites I've been uploading my encyclopedia for Paneidoverse... 🤔
There are many reasons...and I'm not sure how to express them...
Oh, yeah, and GoNo:V.I. is definitely gonna be on Tapas like...today. 😁
I still don't have my Paneidoverse site done, and the deadline is coming waaay too close for comfort. People can access the PNDVS site via my Discord where I also have the guest password for Those Who Know (role).
Just thought I'd mention that... 😕
Social Media
I hate social media. 😑 Did I mention I hate social media? Social media hates me. But I am a writer and a storyteller who wants to have a meager following if nothing else, and thus I am forced to use social media.
Social media I hate. 😒
...I ain't got a clue what the fuck I'm doing here. Should I leave...?? 🙁
I've not been ignoring my Patreon, I just forget it exists. So I decided to give the damn thing a proper appearance and info! Thus, I can happily say my Patreon is looking miiighty fiiine. It now looks like something I actually want to look at and be proud of.
I remade my Patreon welcome post, and golly, I think it's pretty sweet. 😊 I'd appreciate it if you check it out, at the very least. 🙂
I made a new post for the first time in forever. Thing is, it's no different from the stuff I usually post, which are my links. I never know what to upload to my Twitter. It's such a strange place and I don't like it, personally. I think that's why I'm just putting simple things on it at the moment. I hope to be more involved, perhaps, starting NaNo or January. I'll need to do something with it as I start Teasers & Excerpts Month...
Ugh...T&EM is going to kill me. 😩 But we'll get to that bridge when we cross it...
...or something. 😖
The least I can do with this is post snippets of my prose like I did during a period of my Insta account. Problem is, I think it's gonna get old real fast. I could always try to post based on the chapter I'm working on at the time I post, but...ugh, that is going to take so much effort. So much time!
And a Canva Pro account. Or...maybe not. But I've found what I need works best with a pro account. Dammit. I had to be poor. 💸
- God Noise Vol. I: Echo [Expanded Edition] - God Noise Vol. I on Tapas link! Gimme a minute to upload the first chapters! 😊
- Mar Qaroll is preppin' fer NaNo 🔞 - My Twitter
- Qarollverse - My Instagram; yes I KNOW it's damn empty!! 😩
- Mar Qaroll is creating a universe of written tales - My Patreon
- Welcome to my Patreon | Masterlists & Information - My new Patreon welcome/intro post!

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