Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: Something something 2022

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Something something 2022

'Lo, ev'ryone. This may or may not be my last entry for the year...probably not...

In any case, it's been a rollercoaster of clusterfuck since October. I can't remember being so fucking lackadaisical in a banal way in a while, but I always say that, so fuck me.

I won NaNoWriMo 2k22. Worked on Human Shed Skin Book Two but didn't finish it, and am I feeling okay about that? Not particularly. I lost my notes, so I couldn't go any further. I'm resenting my feeble mind in that regard. I had everything when I came back from the ward in April...

I was so fucking ready to tackle this, let me tell you... 😒

Not finishing it just makes me feel more like shit? So? What was the point. 🙃


I had...not hIGH but high enough hopes for this year. I intended for something...nice...this year. Something better than...this.

Whatever this is, exactly.

Winter is coming. ❄ Wonderful. My fatass isn't ready for it since I can't fit in my old winter jacket which barely fit me last year...

You know where I'm going with this.

Blah blah, depression sucks, blah blah, waaaaah.

My desires to work on my social media were AHAHAHA pathetic, per the usual. I'm becoming too embarrassed to post anything of anything I have since I'm...

Well. Anyway...

I'm seriously thinking just keeping my stories here on my site. Or just AO3 and Patreon. 

Or nowhere. 

After all, I can never finish them (case in point: every fucking time I uploaded Inhuman online) and when I do, I just take them down out of embarrassment and sadness because I'm not getting the interactions I need. Not want. Need

I'm tired of going over why it's not a want thing...

So, to end this shitty post...

Once it gets to the end of the month, I might summarize everything from 2k22 in a single post, see what I've actually accomplished in the year I swore to kill myself as a wee lad. 🙃 Just be happy I'm still here, yeah? At least some people get something out of my existence...

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