Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: Small update

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Small update

Soooo. I've been dead again. Same reasons as before. Internet access is extremely limited right now and since we've moved, I just don't like to walk in this neighborhood. Not at all. I don't care how close the library is to me now. I got online on Saturday, but only for a few hours.

I know I'm behind on the Goth Challenge posts. I just don't have time to upload them right now...In fact, a lot of posts I had planned had to be saved as drafts. Such a mess...

At my "school" (it's an adult education career campus, really), I was one of the student guides for...tourists, of a sort. Nothing extremely special, though one of my fellow students did really well, wow. He deserved a pat on the back.

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