Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: Show me how to live

Monday, November 19, 2012

Show me how to live

...I've been living at my apartment for...four days. My Dad knows, obviously; that was the only thing holding me back from moving sooner. I'm dressed to the nines, today, feeling good...FINALLY laced myself into my corset the PROPER way (darnit!)...but...I need some "safe places" I can dress the way I want. Well, I'm not wearing a hijab right now...but...because I'm at the library, I had my scarf off and then put it back on for some reason. I feel as if I need to hide from someone I don't feel like explaining myself to...

It's not that I'm uncomfortable not wearing a hijab...Though I do love wearing things on my head. Oh, I can't wait until I can get a few hats...

...Ah, well...

If I brought my laptop, I would have made a video of my room and my outfit for today...Maybe I'll do that when I get back home and upload the vid some other time...

From now on, I'm not calling myself a Muslim. I'm...not, really. I don't know what I am. My Dad knows this, too. Or...something of the sort. For now, I'm just a theist; I only believe in one God. The other little things...I'll work on that some other time...

...Lovely that my Dad feels as if he's lost two daughters, now. My older sister left Islam, too...

...So once I get back on T2, my laptop, I'll update all of my pathetic profile pictures...and...hopefully have a new video to show. I wonder if I should make a new blog or just change the name of this one...? Remember my stages? Yeah...I don't know if I'm on stage three, yet...

I have to go shopping for some food, right now.

Just a general update...


  1. I hope that this becomes a good adventure for you. Finding oneself seems to be a continuous journey no matter your age.

  2. Good to hear from you! Do you like the apartment?
    I'm not sure I got that right - did you just pack your bags and go? Not telling anyone at all?
    Hope your "new" life will be great!



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