Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: New blog

Monday, March 4, 2013

New blog

...So it's 2013. Originally, A Dark Mind in Dark Times was...weird. I look back on entries from 2011 and I cringe. I don't know about myself, anymore...

So I've decided, to hell with this. I don't know what I'm going to do with this blog, and I don't know where it is going. I haven't had the chance to go back on all of those entries with my pictures on them, and I don't...I just...
I don't even know how to freaking explain myself. There has to be a word for my inability to do so...

Don't mind me. I'm just pissed off after having a week and a half of school missed because I got sick for that entire duration and now I have to do an essay in which I'm pulling blanks for.

That means...Stage Three comes sooner than expected after all.

Seriously, people. I'm pulling at straws, here. Originally, this blog was a place to rant and talk about my love and nature to be in various alternative subcultures, but that was pointless considering...HAHAHA! Right. The focus was then (2011) about my musings, rants and expressions of my hopes and dreams in the (near) future as I went through some hard, dark times in my life, specifically covering what it was like to be so different from the (great majority) of people interested in the alternative subcultures as a woman, African-American and Muslim.


Since that has greatly deviated, and...honestly, I don't know why I even did that...let me get this straight.

Dead serious, I don't have a life. Not like that, anyway. Not in the way someone would call it "life", not to me. I exist. Every day is monotonous, endless repeat, with even the same meals and very little variation in-between. That is...a typical life, I know, but...nothing worth repeating every day. And et cetera, et cetera...

The few things in my life that do have variation are my interests, the things that happen in my mind, and the music I love and greatly adore to the very meaning of the word; practically worship, for crying out loud. But there is very little to practically nothing I can do to express my desires and likes...

...It's painful...Floating like this...

The reason why I want to make a Stage Three blog is...pretty much to start over. I don't know what I will do with this blog...I might just keep it up. I might even keep my old pictures up. I don't know. Seriously, no clue.

This is the story of my life. I am clueless.

I've also started a new Hot Blood regime. I think I mentioned the Hot Bloods before...Not sure. 2011 was my Hot Blood Workout. So far, it is the second most successful Hot Blood regime. Last year was the Hot Blood Overdrive, the first most successful HB regime. And...I have yet to start the 2013 Hot Blood Overdose. I meant to start it today, but...this whole year, 2013, has already been...the worst year in my life in a long time...

So...onwards to Stage Three: The Dark, Daring Experimental Days, a.k.a. Double-Daring and Damning myself. And who the hell is "Maryam"?

I'll be making my first entry whenever the hell I manage. Still not doing too well with access to the Internet, guys. You have no idea what that is doing to my psyche. I have nothing to do at home except listen to music, clean, or try (emphasis on TRY) to do work, both my own and school work...

Eh. I'm bitching again...

1 comment:

  1. good luck with the chaos of existing. it's a mad old thing, this living thing.


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