Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: In other news...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

In other news...

...It's nearing the middle of Ramadan (yeah, riiiight). I've slacked off this whole week, even with my homework. I really have to pick up the pace...

Not to mention my room. It looks like a tornado durn torn right through it n' a NASA shuttle done took off in it. And then, a bomb went off. And then I died.

Done a lot of research about the Wave Gotik Treffen. Never saw a dark-skinned person in any of the videos I just watched...and I don't remember seeing any in previous videos I've watched, either. I know you're out there, mein kin...WHERE ARE YOU ALL??

It's slightly...I don't want to say "depressing". It's more like...strange. Apparently goth and other such alternative-lifestyle-lovers that are of ethnic groups exist, but you rarely ever see them. Is it because we simply  rarely have the money or someshat like that (though some truth to it) or what? Tell me, someone, it's killing me.

And lastly, piercings. I've done a lot of research on piercings lately and...boy oh boy. All I want are my ears to be pierced as much as possible, two nose rings, my septum pierced, and snakebites. All but the snakebites seem easy enough. And if it weren't for the fact that oral piercings are so close to or in constant contact with the teeth and gums, this would be nothing to worry about. Naturally. And if you think about it, since I wear a hijab, you'd only see the snakebites and nose rings since the septum can be easily hidden.


I'm really really really REALLY nervous about gum recession and teeth damage from the snakebites. Sure, I'll bet there are people who have had snakebites for years and have had no problems, but is it from good care and a watchful eye that you won't have problems or does it just happen and there's nothing one can do about it? The obvious fact that anyone with oral piercings has a chance to get gum recession and teeth damage makes sense, but can it be 100% avoidable with care? I want snakebites so bad...

I'd want snakebites close to the lip/practically on the lip like these, only on both sides

Also, you'll notice that the majority of people getting snakebites nowadays are teens and young adults. Forget them, what about the adults that have had them for years (emphasis on years)? I wish I could interview such a person...How did they care for them? Have they had any damage? How did they manage the damage?

...And as for the obvious of getting them and only keeping them for a few years to reduce the permanent possible effects of oral damage, I don't know about that. If I got piercings, I'd want to keep them forever...

Life's full of tough choices, ain't it...?

1 comment:

  1. "Not to mention my room. It looks like a tornado durn torn right through it n' a NASA shuttle done took off in it. And then, a bomb went off. And then I died."

    Best messy-room description I've heard :)


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