Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: Eid ul-Fitr 2011 online wishlist (so far)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Eid ul-Fitr 2011 online wishlist (so far)

Let me begin by saying amiss the $100 that were given to me for Eid, I have no money right now. SOMEONE has been using my bank account and using it to by weird things! I only know of one reason how this could have happened...I only used my card recently to do something for a family member...and, oh, I hope she didn't...
But, nonetheless, this is the last day of Eid ul-Fitr (if you celebrate it for three days) and I'm still hoping my money problem will be figured out soon so I can buy some new shat. I haven't a clue how much clothes will cost, but aside from clothes, I'd love to buy some things to begin a gothic room environment for me as well as non-apparel stuffs.

Black Lipstick from the Portland Black Lipstick Company
Image from Google, sort of

ODDITORIA Lip Balm from The Morbid The Merrier
Image from Etsy

Black Jack body lotion from The Morbid The Merrier
Image from Etsy

Pocket Watch Necklace - Gunmetal Black from Robin Hood Couture
Image from Etsy

Image from Songbird Ocarina | will be my starting ocarina!

Some apparel...

Image from Etsy

Image from Etsy

And what I'm most looking forward to aside from clothes...Since furniture is much too expensive right now and totally out of the question (I'll probably have to wait until I get my own place), after painting my walls white, I'm going to spice up my room with....WALL DECALS!! I can't get enough of them!

Vinyl Wall Chalkboard Decal Sticker Art - Vintage Hanging Sign from Wordy Birds Studio
Image from Etsy

Vinyl Wall Decal Sticker Art - Ye Olde Salem Broom Co Sign - Halloween Decoration from Wordy Birds Studio
Image from Etsy | planning on it saying "Project DV"

Vinyl Wall Decal Sticker Art - Trick or Treat - Halloween Decorations from Wordy Birds Studios
Image from Etsy | planning on it saying "Maryam's Room"

Vinyl Wall Decal Sticker Art - Keep Out - Halloween Decoration from Wordy Birds Studios
Image from Etsy | planning on it being on my door on the outside...

Gothic Ironwork Window - Wall Decal from Many Strange Things
Image from Etsy | planning on getting two

Bat Attack/Vinyl Wall Art from Pillbox Designs
Image from Etsy | planning on getting two

In the future, my home will have a million wall decals, I swear! AUGH!!!

*Ahem* I can dream. I'm not going to add up all the prices, including the shipping prices, but...I'll bet it's way more than I can afford to spend on non-apparel (sans the armwarmers) when I (had and would have had) $200. Then $50 would have gone towards shoes...*sigh*

Damn you, whoever you are using my card!!!

Well, I have to go, now. Hopefully I'll come back online tomorrow...

Also, random, but LOOK AT THIS LAPTOP DEAL! Sucks today is the last day....!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to guess this is a bit late now, but TALK TO YOUR BANK. If your card is being used fradulently, tell them to cancel it and try and reclaim the money. Also TELL THE POLICE. It's theft and needs to be addressed as such.


Speak your mind, humans.