Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: And maybe even 31%...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

And maybe even 31%...

I need to make a list of my "percentage" to my Ultimate Dream. I may be in a lower percentage than I think...

I was talking about something with Lenny, my older brother, and it hit me: I want to be a chef, right? But lately I've also been practicing roundhouse kicks and trying in my pathetic way to strengthen my legs. I also take the words of a certain anime character very seriously ever since I heard them when I was twelve.

Who is he? He's the lovely, uncouth gentlemanly chef, Sanji from One Piece!!

Black-Leg Sanji, at 19 yrs old

How can I not use him as inspiration?! He had me the second he gave Gin food in the episode he was introduced in, as I had watched the (disgraceful!) 4Kids dub before even reading the manga. I was enthralled and moved by his conviction to feed those who were hungry, no matter who they were. And the fact that he doesn't use his hands to fight, but his feet...As someone who adores footwork of all types, that got me, too. If it were possible, I'd be learning his Black Leg Style as soon as possible...but, of course, one could always invent something like it and dub it that instead....~ Mwahaha...

Ahh~ Sanji. He's like me in a few ways. I can't relate to Zoro...can't relate to Luffy at all...but Sanji. Yeah. Overall, a very nice person, but BY GOLLY, can I be downright foul. Especially when you're on my bad side. I like cooking (in my case, to an extent, but hope to improve on that) and I'm horrified by the thought of starvation. I would feed anyone who was hungry because I believe cooks, like doctors, should be unbiased and just do their job, no matter who it is who requires their services. After all, even the very worst criminals can have a last meal before their death. I may NOT like and even hate the person who needs the food, but he's still hungry, and that doesn't work with me. Starvation is one of the worst forms of torture...I can't see myself wishing that on anyone...

...Of course...there might be and probably are plenty of exceptions...

...Anyway...With this revelation, I may in fact be at 31%...

1 comment:

  1. lmao maeam @ "the disgraceful 4kids, i sooo used to watch that


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