Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: Slave, Slave, Slave...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Slave, Slave, Slave...

I love the song Kaze no Slave by Suicide Ali...They're one of my new favorite bands of 2010 - present.

*Ahem* Haven't been in much of a mood to rant, in the past week. I usually always have something to rant about...What I was going to rant about, a continuation of my definition of devious, is still going to be ranted on. But not now. At the moment I feel like...venting, more than ranting. There's so much bothering me...

I've wasted an hour or two, today, online. I was supposed to be doing my homework and now I have to go to bed. Thing is, my advanced math homework was...well, too advanced. I could tell my teacher, Mrs. (?) Maureen this, and I will, but that doesn't stop me from feeling like a fool.

I need hands-on attention, I suppose you could say, when I learn something related to school work. You can't just teach it to me from a book or a board or by talking to me; you have to actually play it out, SHOW ME how it works. And...I don't get that in my advanced class. Sure, maybe it's because I haven't told her that's what I need. Which makes me feel even more like a fool for not saying anything. But what if she can't have a one-on-one with me? How the hell am I going to do this...???

*Sigh* So. Tomorrow I will bring in unfinished homework and hope my explanation isn't too late. How wonderful. But...whatever happens happens...

As for shopping. Hm. The only thing I brought today were a pair of shoelaces for my sneaks. I can't use my old boots anymore...I keep twisting my ankle and they hurt my feet! My legs friggin hurt thanks to them...So I don't care if my sneakers are white and silver whereas I wear black!! I NEED TO PROTECT MY FEETS. And legs.

Speaking OF music, I haven't listened to any in about a week! Been so busy with this damn school work and education shit I barely understand...*grumble* This had better be worth it...

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