Storyteller Mar Qaroll - Blog | W5: Project #2 of 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Project #2 of 2011

Second project of 2011 after what I then called Project #???, or Project#Idontrememberanymore, though I really have forgotten just how many total projects I've made for Project DV. I'm only guessing that this is the second "label project" of this year. This is another not-so new-project that, once again, I failed to name a while back, so I'm naming it now and thus giving it the recognition it deserves.

This new project is a subdivision of EA as EA is a division of PDV. Though EA isn't being worked on right now, I'm still coming up with ideas for it and what it'll be like in the future, Inshallah. This idea came from my recent clothing obsession. Also, random, but I found out the general population of women think it's not a bad thing to have too many shoes, just as long as you wear them. I like that idea, but I'm still worried. I don't want to have more than...20 shoes, max, I swear to GOD...
*Ahem* I shall name this new old project...

Project D-P-M!! What do this abbreviation mean? Once again, I'm not telling~ Again, it's name might change in the future, but what I have for it now seems quite suitable. This one is more likely to become a project in the future than Project ADAM, methinks. Eh, well. I'll just go with the flow...Wing it...

On to the next one!

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